Our Fancy-Schmancy Logo
Established 2001
A club for admirers of the pop-up headlights on the 1990-97 Mazda Miata
The philosophy behind the Club is simple, we love the Barndoors, we mourn their loss, and we continue to cherish their retro beauty.
There are no dues, no meetings and no
bylaws, if you like the pop up headlights on
the Miata, consider yourself in the Club.
We urge you show your loyalty to the Club in one or many ways, sign our guest book, send us a photo for the gallery, and/or buy some of our merchandise with the Club Logo on it. But most importantly, spread the word, BARNDOORS RULE!
Am getting ready to be the proud owner of a red 94M with a hardtop and came across this site. GREAT JOB!! I love the historical photos with the "barn doors" and can't wait to show them to my wife. THANKS for the laughs and I'll see you on the twisties!! - Greg McCool

Last updated January 1, 2004
I Love To Count!